

In a village long lost from the world’s embrace
Three rascals brought chaos to this place
Slugger, Gallow, and Butcher their names known wide
Their deeds struck terror, nowhere to hide

Their wicked pranks, on all, they would bestow
The agony of others, to them, just made them laugh
Not a soul in the village would stand by their side
All were victims now, with no savior to bide

Butcher, a ragged child, devoid of compassion’s grace
A meager piece of bread, his diet’s daily embrace

Gallow, a wealthy girl, defiance her creed
Doing as she pleased, without heed

Slugger, their leader, a demon in his prime
No remorse in his heart, just chaos as his rhyme

Though different they were, one passion they shared
To torment the townsfolk, nobody was spared
While some knew the taste of their cruel game
One man remained, whose mettle they would claim

A solitary dweller atop a distant hill
Instilled fear in those who possessed some skill
But the town, blinded by anger and disdain
Failed to warn the children of impending pain

Ignoring the rumours, the children schemed
For the man on the hill, his darkest dream
Their misguided prank sent him out in the rainy night
Little did they know, it would lead to a fright

As they wreaked havoc within the abode
The man, humiliated, plotted revenge, uncontrolled
A secret passage remained, unbeknownst to them
And the man, thirsting for blood, entered to condemn

First, he found Butcher, in the kitchen he strayed
Stealing food with abandon, the scene he surveyed
The man deftly took a butcher’s knife in hand
And with one swift strike, ended the thief’s last stand

Gallow, alerted, rushed to escape the place
But the man’s next move, she couldn’t efface
With only a rope hanging from the rooftop high
Around her neck, she met a grim sky

Slugger, face to face, would now contend
Confident in his bat, a conflict to no end
But luck would evade him as the man took it away
Shattering his bones in a single, fatal sway

Satisfied, the man would bury the three
Without a care for their final finery
Though their absence in the village was known
No one would inquire, they were left alone


Kids’Corpses is a project that was born from this idea. This story is the world of this project’s songs. Either it is a beautiful melody or a scary tune, everything is part of this world, and these are the sounds that these kids listen through their terrible adventures.


2024年1月8日・デビューシングル「THE BEGINNING」発売